Blockchain oracle
Introduction to the Web3Gate alert system
Web3Gate Oracle listens for events on the blockchain and sends real-time notifications to an address of your choice when an event occurs. This can be email, your favourite messenger (we currently support Telegram).
With Web3Gate Oracle, you can stay on top of desired or unwanted events related to transactions, wallets or any other online activity. This allows you to identify and resolve problems with transactions, smart contracts faster. Notifications can also help in early detection of operational, code or security issues.
Oracle notification structure
Each Oracle notification requires three elements to be configured:
- Notification Type: The event on the blockchain that triggers Web3Gate to send you a notification. There are currently 2 types of notification triggers available for selection.
- Notification Address: Addresses you want Web3Gate to track, as well as other settings such as network, project.
- Method for sending notification: The method to receive notifications for a specific event. A single notification can send notifications to multiple destination addresses. There are 2 types of sending methods where you can send notifications too.
Overview of notification trigger types
Supported methods of sending notifications
- Telegram
- Web Hooks
Creating a new Oracle rule
Open the Notifications/Oracle tab in the desired project.
From the left menu, select Notifications/Oracle to start the rule configuration. Here you can create new rules for notifications or manage existing rules.
To create a new rule, click the "New rule" button, which will open the Oracle rule configuration settings.
To set up a transaction status notification or any other notification, you need to configure four components:
- Notification Type: The event you want the alert to listen for and send you a notification when it happens. Tenderly supports 12 notification types.
- Notification Address: This is where you tell Web3Gate which address you want to monitor.
- Send Method: The location where you want to receive notifications when an event occurs.
New Rule Oracle Wizard
Enter a name for the rule. If you want to activate the rule after creation, set the «Activate Rule» switch.
And click on the «Next step» button.
Select the type of notification you want to receive.
And click on the «Next step» button.
Specify the address you want to monitor, protocol, and network.
And click on the «Next step» button.
Select the required transaction status parameter from the drop-down list.
And click on the «Next step» button.
On the fifth step, you should tick at least 1 contact from the list with the switch. Verified contacts from the profile section are displayed in the list. Notifications from Oracle will be sent to the specified contacts.
And click the «Finish» button.
Next, the "Create new rule" button will be available, after clicking it, a new rule will be created.
If the «Activate rule» switch was set in the rule creation wizard, Oracle will send notifications when configured events are detected. The rule can be activated/deactivated from the drop-down menu.
Also, change the parameters of the created rule or delete it if the rule is no longer needed. Duplicate - the wizard of rule creation will start, with pre-filled fields from the current rule.
The number of rules is limited by the tariff plan. For more details on tariff plans and limits, please visit