My Profile
Account settings
To access the user's profile, you need to click the «user» icon in the upper right corner and select «My Profile» in the drop-down menu
On the profile page, the e-mail to which the account was registered is displayed, as well as the functionality of changing the password.
To change the password, you should click on the «Change password» button, then fill in the fields in the form: Current password, New password, Confirm new password and click «Change».
In this section, you can view existing and create new contact information for interacting with Web3Gate. This data will be automatically loaded into the Oracle Rule Setup wizard.
To add a new contact in the form, select «Method of sending notification» (Email, Telegram or Webhook), and enter «Tag», a notation.
The created contact must be verified. Once created, a dialogue box will open with verification instructions.
For example, verifying a Telegram contact.